By Stirling Dyer
This past weekend I had the priviledge of rolling with the BC Young Liberals on the Vancouver Island portion of the Road to Victory Tour, and if the levels of enthusiam that I witnessed is indicative we may have the most active and enthused youth wing ever conceived working to keep the Liberals in power in B.C.
A little background info on the Road the Victory Tour: Since mid-2007 the BCYL has been gathering in different areas around to province to plaster them with BC Liberal flyers. Our goal in this is to keep the enthusiasm for all the great things going on in this province up, and make sure that people make it out and vote Liberal in 2009. This past weekends leg of the tour brings us up to 14 areas covered, and over 6,000 flyers delivered!
So how did it go this time? To say the least, fantastic. To say the most… supremely fantastically awesomely great! After we caught the Ferry from the Mainland over to the Island, we got to meet our home for the weekend…. and wow were we scared.

Long story short, sleep came at about 5am, and we were up at 7am to start a full day of events. We hit up flyer drops in Victoria and Malahat and had a fantastic lunch at a swank Country Club. After parting from the Club the Road to Victory hit a major pothole. The duck quacked!

Our hotel for the night was no where near Nanaimo though, so back onto the Duck we got and headed for Campbell River.
Sunday was a whole other matter. After 2 nights of partying, a full day of flyer drops, and almost zero sleep we had a massive quantity of zombies. But push on we did, and got 2 more full flyer drops in at Campbell River and Courtney/Comox! The trip back down to Nanaimo to catch the ferry was the quietest I had witnessed the Duck at any point, and everyone was pretty happy to be heading home for the recovery period ahead.
All in all, a great success all around! Great things happened, and even when our engine blew up or we were all suffering exhaustion we pushed forward. With this sort of group leading the way in BC Youth Politics, the NDP isn’t going to know what hit them!
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