Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Nanaimo, Campbell River, Courtney, Home

Sorry for the lack of updates from the last day of the trip - reception was bad and we had some problems logging in and posting on the site. Here's a look at what you missed:

We had a great Dinner Social in Nanaimo on Saturday night, hosted by the Nanaimo and Nanaimo-Parksville Riding Associations. Over 30 local members, including local MLA Ron Cantelon came out to welcome us. As we walked through the door of the restaurant,I was flattered by the reception we recieved - claps, cheers and smiles all around - the energy and enthusiasm in the room was ubelievable. As I walked around the room, I kept thinking that this was what the Road to Victory Tour was all about - bringing people together to create the energy and form the friendships to fuel an unstopable grassroots movement.

I've always believed that with enough volunteers and enough effort, any campaign can make a difference and that means there's always a reason to get together and work for what you believe in. As I spoke to the room on Saturday night, I could feel the start of something special and it didn't take anything extraordinary - the power of people getting together and working for a common cause was enough to inspire everyone there.

On Sunday, we all woke up tired but still energised by the success of the trip and the difference we were making. Everyone was chatting about the people they met, the voters they talked to and the support they felt.

We arrived at the Campbell River campaign office just after 9:00 AM and were greeted by "Team North Island" - a great group of volunteers who very nearly won the riding in 2005. The weather was fantastic and everyone had a great time as we split up into groups and delivered over 1500 flyers to local residents.

The sun continued to shine as we went onto Courtney and delivered another 1200 flyers. As everyone climbed back on board "the duck", you could tell that the weekend had been busy. I was estatic with what we'd accomplished but couldn't wait to get home to some TV and a cup of tea.

I want to thank everyone who was involved with this weekend's Road to Victory Tour. The youth volunteers who dedicated their weekend to deliver a message and inspire supporters from all across Vancouver Island were incredibly committed and made the trip successful and fun. The local supporters who recieved us at every stop were welcoming, encouraging and beyond supportive - they gave us the energy and purpose to keep working hard. A special thanks to Ryan, who in addition to being our driver for the whole weekend also put a huge amount of work into organizing the logistics of the trip and thanks also to Jack, who put a ton of work into many of the events.

Thank you everyone for making the Road to Victoy Tour such a fantastic success!

A final note - this web site recieved over 500 hits during the weekend - thanks so much for showing your support of the Road to Victory Tour by visiting this site, it's great to see the tour reaching so many people!

- Chris

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